Many thanks to Matt Tweed for bringing my ideas to life with his cartoons. Matt has form with this sort of thing, having illustrated books on prime numbers, the universe, and quantum physics. See more of his work at Matt Tweed Art.

All illustrations on this website are free to use, though we always appreciate you referring to this site as the source.

The long-overlooked counterpart to Adam Smith's Invisible Hand

Escher's playful perspectives are a good metaphor for the 'trapped-ness' of our times.

Complementary or in tension?

The shaky conceptual foundations of externality-denying capitalism

Is sustainability a 'win-win'? Or is it a bit more difficult than that?

And some other diagrams

Attempts to illustrate the layered structure of human self-organization, innate to all complex systems

The left brain as a 'hall of mirrors'